2014 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. "Not simply the greatest but the only truly great book on war," declared historian Bernard Brodie of "Principles of War." Written two centuries ago by a Prussian military thinker, this is the most frequently cited, the most controversial, and in many ways, the most modern book on warfare. Author Carl von Clausewitz fought against the armies of the French Revolution and Napoleon, served as a high-ranking staff officer, and became a prominent military educator. By his day, war had become a contest of mass armies, with results...
2014 Reprint of 1960 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. "Not simply the greatest but the only truly great book on war," declared histori...
"Grundgedanken uber Krieg und Kriegfuhrung" from Carl von Clausewitz. Carl von Clausewitz, preussischer General, Heeresreformer und Militartheoretiker (1780-1831)."
"Grundgedanken uber Krieg und Kriegfuhrung" from Carl von Clausewitz. Carl von Clausewitz, preussischer General, Heeresreformer und Militartheoretiker...
Mort en 1831 apres avoir succombe au cholera, le General Carl von Clausewitz laissa derriere lui une oeuvre monumentale, non achevee, qui lui valut une reconnaissance posthume sur le plan international. A l'origine, sa Theorie de la grande Guerre (Vom Kriege) devait comporter dix volumes. A l'instar d'un Sun Tzu ou d'un Machiavel, le texte de Clausewitz depasse largement le cadre militaire et se lit comme un veritable traite de philosophie dont les enseignements ont fortement marque les esprits dans differents domaines des sciences humaines, que ce soit chez les specialistes de politique, de...
Mort en 1831 apres avoir succombe au cholera, le General Carl von Clausewitz laissa derriere lui une oeuvre monumentale, non achevee, qui lui valut un...
Carl Von Clausewitz Nicholas Murray Christopher Pringle
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes of his published writings. Among these historical works, perhaps the most important is Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign, which covers a crucial period in the French Revolutionary Wars.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes ...
Carl Von Clausewitz Nicholas Murray Christopher Pringle
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes of his published writings. Among these historical works, perhaps the most important is Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign, which covers a crucial period in the French Revolutionary Wars.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes ...