Le savant Griffin, apres quinze ans de recherches et des depenses qui l'ont ruine, invente une formule pour devenir invisible. Apres avoir fait l'experience sur le chat de sa voisine, il decide d'experimenter la formule sur lui-meme, notamment pour fuir ses creanciers. Il devient alors totalement invisible, et sombre progressivement dans la folie. En effet, profitant de cette invisibilite, il commence par se laisser aller a de menus larcins en pillant les boutiques plutot qu'acheter les produits, puis en volant les particuliers. S'enfoncant de plus en plus dans la delinquance, il finit par se...
Le savant Griffin, apres quinze ans de recherches et des depenses qui l'ont ruine, invente une formule pour devenir invisible. Apres avoir fait l'expe...
Attention ou vous mettrez les pieds, dans un pays ou vous debarquez par hasard, vous qui possedez deux yeux vivants, alors que les habitants ont perdu la vue. Cette tribu d'aveugles est plus forte que vous. Vous ne nous croyez pas ? Combien pariez-vous ?"
Attention ou vous mettrez les pieds, dans un pays ou vous debarquez par hasard, vous qui possedez deux yeux vivants, alors que les habitants ont perdu...
Mr. Wells claims the name of socialist without blindly subscribing to the programme of any present form of socialistic theory. He aims in this book (which is not a novel) to set forth the principles upon which socialism resets.
Mr. Wells claims the name of socialist without blindly subscribing to the programme of any present form of socialistic theory. He aims in this book (w...
Twelve Stories and a Dream is a collection of stories written by H. G. Wells between 1897 and 1903. Among them are "The Magic Shop," "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland," "Jimmy Goggles the God," and "Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation," "A Dream of Armageddon." is Wells's famous futuristic, anti-war story.
Twelve Stories and a Dream is a collection of stories written by H. G. Wells between 1897 and 1903. Among them are "The Magic Shop," "Mr. Skelmersdale...
The Sleeper Awakes first published in 1910 is a dystopian novel by H. G. Wells about a man who sleeps for two hundred and three years, waking up in a completely transformed London, where, because of compound interest on his bank accounts, he has become the richest man in the world. The main character awakes to see his dreams realised, and the future revealed to him in all its horrors and malformities. This novel is a rewritten version of When the Sleeper Wakes a story by Wells that was serialised between 1898 and 1899. It contains a preface for the New Edition and 25 chapters.
The Sleeper Awakes first published in 1910 is a dystopian novel by H. G. Wells about a man who sleeps for two hundred and three years, waking up in a ...