Relying upon the Bible and extensive research for his popular Seeds of Christianity Series, E. G. Lewis presents an interesting and informative study on foods, cooking and day-to-day life in the early Christian era. All major food groups are covered in specific chapters on Spices & Herbs, Fruits & Nuts, Grains, Vegetables, Salad Greens, Fish & Fowl, Meat, Milk & Cheese, Sweets& Sweeteners, and even one on Foods They Didn't Have. Also includes chapters on Ancient Beers and Wines, Aviculture, Apiculture, Olive Oil, Manna, the Gladiator's Diet and lots of Recipes to Try at Home."
Relying upon the Bible and extensive research for his popular Seeds of Christianity Series, E. G. Lewis presents an interesting and informative study ...
Critics say: -Amazing in its breadth and depth-...-Fun and educational, something new on every page-... -Until I read In Three Days I didn't know how much I didn't know.- Newly revised and re-edited. Take a fact-filled journey through the Lent and Easter Season from beginning to end in twenty-five fascinating chapters that cover a wide variety of topics: Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Fasting, Pretzels, the Lenten Food, Prophecies of Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, How the Date of Easter is Determined, Maundy Thursday, The Practice of Foot Washing, Burial in the First Century, and The...
Critics say: -Amazing in its breadth and depth-...-Fun and educational, something new on every page-... -Until I read In Three Days I didn't know how ...
Readers say, "Fascinating, illuminating.."."More than I expected.."."They came to life before my eyes." Having heard the Christmas story told and retold more times than we can count, it is easy to view Mary and Joseph as nothing more than paper people whom we encounter every year on the Christmas cards that crowd our mantle. In Road to Bethlehem, a prelude to his popular Seeds of Christianity Series, E. G. Lewis rounds out this flat, two-dimensional view of Mary and Joseph. In his hands they become real flesh and blood people who live, love and interact with the world around them. Relying...
Readers say, "Fascinating, illuminating.."."More than I expected.."."They came to life before my eyes." Having heard the Christmas story told and reto...