Mobilize Your Customers - Create Powerful Word of Mouth Advertising Using Social Media, Video and Mobile Marketing to Attract New Customers and Skyrocket Your Profits Ask anyone, "What is the best form of advertising?" Word of mouth is almost always the answer. People know, like and trust the opinions of their friends and family. Wouldn't it be great if your customers were telling all of their friends and family how great you are? Your reputation online will determine how you appear on social media sites and in the search engine results and that will have a lasting effect on your income. In...
Mobilize Your Customers - Create Powerful Word of Mouth Advertising Using Social Media, Video and Mobile Marketing to Attract New Customers and Skyroc...
I have had many people ask why I created the show Healthcare Elsewhere. My wife and I have had some experience with traveling for medical care over the years. Jennifer is a two-time cancer survivor and she traveled across the country to Duke University many years ago for experimental cancer vaccines. Our children are originally from Poland; we adopted them into our family 10 years ago. We had experience dealing with several of our children's medical issues during the many months we were in Poland to facilitate the adoption. For example, our son Peter is deaf. We traveled with him for cochlear...
I have had many people ask why I created the show Healthcare Elsewhere. My wife and I have had some experience with traveling for medical care over th...