Meet Felix Winters, an eleven-year-old Bopton sent on his first scouting mission to Earth. His assignment is simple: blend in, observe his surroundings, and ultimately decide the fate of humanity.
But blending in is harder than he imagined, as, upon enrolling in a local middle school, he becomes the target of a trio of boys led by Curtis Jenkins, a bully with a sick sense of humor. It's only thanks to a surprising newfound passion for baseball and the friendship of two fellow outcasts that Felix feels like he might have a chance. As he immerses himself further in the daily life of a...
Meet Felix Winters, an eleven-year-old Bopton sent on his first scouting mission to Earth. His assignment is simple: blend in, observe his surrounding...
In this sequel to Outbreak: The Zombie Apocalypse, Matt Hawkins strives for redemption following Britain's first zombie outbreak. His internal struggles and his psychological analysis of those around him lead him to question the ethics of humanity and himself as he fights to survive the apocalypse. Hawkins perception of the immoral decisions of the leadership in seeking a possible cure force him to reevaluate his past and question his own motives as he tries desperately to conceal a secret that could ruin him and prevent him from keeping the fragile promise which has become his only...
In this sequel to Outbreak: The Zombie Apocalypse, Matt Hawkins strives for redemption following Britain's first zombie outbreak. His internal struggl...
This is the story of how I died...repeatedly. J has been cursed for all eternity. In her very first life on Earth, she made the mistake of falling in love with her sister's betrothed... and it was all downhill from there. In revolutionary France, J and the other members of Marie Antoinette's court are forced into hiding, desperate to escape a wild uprising out for their blood. From there, she is reincarnated in America in the late 1800s, where she disguises herself as a man in the Confederate army and is surrounded by carnage and blood. In Austria in the 1930s, she became the only hope for...
This is the story of how I died...repeatedly. J has been cursed for all eternity. In her very first life on Earth, she made the mistake of falling in ...