"The Dark War," is the fourth book in "The Valley," series. In the third book, "The Challenge of Palakrine," we read of the preparations of all Domains, for the battle with what was thought to be the greatest of power in the Dark Magic. The power that frightened Mike as no other had. We learned of the unique powers of the children. The reason they possessed those powers and how they would be used. How each, young and old, would face the battle with the Dark Ruler.
Here, in "The Dark War," you can find the results of a missed chance, and what becomes of the child of Palakrine who had not...
"The Dark War," is the fourth book in "The Valley," series. In the third book, "The Challenge of Palakrine," we read of the preparations of all Dom...
The Bandit's of Bandarson is the fifth book of The Valley Series. In previous works, you have learned of the trials that all of rightful magic have been forced to face. In the last book, The Dark War, you learned of the pains that all must endure, when they fight for what is right. The cost in lives had been high in The Dark War, and the mourning for those lost, went on for years. The new Overseer of the Realm, Namson, and his wife, Glornina, lead them through these pains, and the feeling of peace, and happiness, had returned to all of the domains.In this work, The Bandit's of Bandarson,...
The Bandit's of Bandarson is the fifth book of The Valley Series. In previous works, you have learned of the trials that all of rightful magic have...
"Defiance of the Realm" is the sixth book in The Valley Series.
The wielders of Dark Magic have been destroyed, or so it is thought. Peace has come to all the Domains of Rightful magic and, the lives of those who lived in them. But, there are those, of yet unknown Domains and some of the known ones, who have not found the happiness they believe they are due. Both Namson, Overseer of the Realm, and his son Zachia, feel as though there is something wrong, but they cannot pin down what it could be.
Could it be that some of the characters of many nightmares are real, but not as known by...
"Defiance of the Realm" is the sixth book in The Valley Series.
The wielders of Dark Magic have been destroyed, or so it is thought. Peace has c...
For any that think that life in a magical world is all joy and wonder, come find the truth for yourself. It is work. It is need. It can also be dangerous This is the first book of the, "The Valley series." This book will create the foundation for the characters that make up the future of Rightful Magic, as well as give you the purpose and value of those who hold rightful magic as a truth. You will also find those who are of the basis for Dark Magic, and their terrible goals.
What are the races of a Magical Valley to do against a beast so driven by the unbelieving outer world, that it...
For any that think that life in a magical world is all joy and wonder, come find the truth for yourself. It is work. It is need. It can also be dan...