Few realize a New World Order (NWO) plans to replace our constitution with a Single World Government; nor that our Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and is not subject to oversight by our Congress or the President. Peter Kershaw, in his book "Economic Solutions" exposes this NWO's controlling stockholders to include the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers of New York; the Rothschilds of London and Berlin; the Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Seiff of Italy; the Kuhn & Loeb Company of Germany; and the Warburgs of Hamburg and Amsterdam, who are earning...
Few realize a New World Order (NWO) plans to replace our constitution with a Single World Government; nor that our Federal Reserve Ba...
Patients legally own their medical records that are stored either manually or on an assortment of computers, software, and operating systems in a variety of disorganized healthcare facilities, which are spiraling healthcare costs out of control. In 1910, the Flexner Report by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, established medical education standards and licensing of qualified physicians who took the moral and ethical Hippocratic Oath to Do No Harm, but today's costs are clearly harming those sick and disabled that cannot afford to obtain proper healthcare. To counter Medicare...
Patients legally own their medical records that are stored either manually or on an assortment of computers, software, and operating systems in a v...