This report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, pressures on those resources, current condition and trends, and management responses to the pressures that threaten the integrity of the marine environment. This document includes information on the status and trends of water quality, habitat, living resources and maritime archaeological resources and the human activities that affect them. Trends in the status of resources are also reported, and are generally based on observed changes in status...
This report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary,...
This Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) systematically evaluates the short and long-term environmental and socioeconomic effects related to the implementation of seagrass restoration and seagrass injury prevention projects in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The goal of this PEIS is to describe a range of seagrass restoration techniques, used for both primary and compensatory restoration projects and seagrass injury prevention actions that potentially may be implemented in the FKNMS. The types of seagrass restoration and injury prevention projects proposed...
This Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) systematically evaluates the short and long-term environmental and socioeconomic effects relat...
This document is a report on the results of NOAA's five-year review of the strategies and activities detailed in the 199 Final Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. It serves two primary purposes: 1) to update readers on the outcomes of successfully implemented strategies - in short, accomplishments that were merely plans on paper in 1996; and 2) to disseminate useful information about the Sanctuary and its management strategies, activities and products.
This document is a report on the results of NOAA's five-year review of the strategies and activities detailed in the 199 Final Management Plan and Env...
This report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, pressures on those resources, current condition and trends, and management responses to the pressures that threaten the integrity of the marine environment. This document includes information on the status and trends of water quality, habitat, living resources and maritime archaeological resources and the human activities that affect them. Trends in the status of resources are also reported, and are generally based on observed changes in status over the...
This report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, pressures...
This management plan is organized into six sections. Section 1 provides background information on national marine sanctuaries, FGBNMS, and the purpose and need for updating the management plan. Section 2 is an overview of the institutional setting in which the sanctuary operates and of the regional ecosystem of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. It also describes the local environment of East and West Flower Garden Banks and Stetson Bank. Section 3 contains the action plans, which detail the management strategies and activities to address the priority issues of FGBNMS and meet the purposes and...
This management plan is organized into six sections. Section 1 provides background information on national marine sanctuaries, FGBNMS, and the purpose...
The Management Plan focuses on the special resource features of Gray's Reef. The Plan is designed to inform sanctuary users and the general public about the Sanctuary and the various activities that are planned for the site over time.
The Management Plan focuses on the special resource features of Gray's Reef. The Plan is designed to inform sanctuary users and the general public abo...
The Gray's Reef live bottom is proposed for marine sanctuary status in recognition of its distinctive conservation, research, recreational, ecological and aesthetic values which are in need of protection and comprehensive management. This document presents the Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Proposed Gray's Reef Marine Sanctuary.
The Gray's Reef live bottom is proposed for marine sanctuary status in recognition of its distinctive conservation, research, recreational, ecological...
This condition report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Gray Reef National Marine Sanctuary, pressures on those resources, current condition and trends, and management responses to the pressures that threaten the integrityof the marine environment.
This condition report provides a summary of resources in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Gray Reef National Marine Sanctuary, pr...
This document is an addendum to the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary 2008 Condition Report. This addendum updates the 2008 Condition Report. The 17 questions found in the State section of the Condition Report have been revaluated for accuracy and completeness given new data sets, published literature, and expert opinion that have become available since 2008. For those that have new information to report (questions 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14), new status and trend ratings, and updated narratives are provided. Trend ratings are generally based on observed changes in status since 2008.
This document is an addendum to the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary 2008 Condition Report. This addendum updates the 2008 Condition Report. The ...
The purpose of the NOAA Scientific Diving Standards and Safety Manual (Manual) is to ensure all scientific diving is conducted in a manner that will maximize protection of scientific divers from accidental injury and/or illness, and to set forth standards for training and certification that will allow reciprocity with other science-oriented diving programs. Fulfillment of these purposes shall be consistent with the furtherance of scientific research and safety.
The purpose of the NOAA Scientific Diving Standards and Safety Manual (Manual) is to ensure all scientific diving is conducted in a manner that will m...