Al-Saedi Firas Abdullah Thweny Al-Haidary Mazin Mohammed Radhi
In this book, a developed and implemented VSAT monitoring system has been illustrated, which consists of a client program that runs on the host PC (Linux Fedora core3), and a server program that runs on the targeted VSAT router, the iDirect 3000 series - with ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) processor. Both programs are Linux applications implemented in C/C++ using GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) and cross compiler. The cross compiler was built in the host to after-testing a compatible combination of glibc (GNU C library), binutils (binary utilities), kernel version and GCC itself. The server...
In this book, a developed and implemented VSAT monitoring system has been illustrated, which consists of a client program that runs on the host PC (Li...
Al-Saedi Firas Abdullah Thweny Al-Faiz Mohammed Zeki Jaber Zaid Hashim
In this book, an interface circuit was built to connect a mobile vehicle controller to a PC via its LPT, this PC was a node of a LAN with other PCs, and it was considered as a server, and the other PCs were considered as clients. Every PC in this LAN had the ability to control the mobile vehicle manually using either a keyboard or a mouse. A webcam was mounted on the vehicle and plugged in the USB of the server, this webcam was used to transfer video to the server then to the client via LAN. A security method was applied to all PCs in this LAN to access the control of the mobile vehicle, this...
In this book, an interface circuit was built to connect a mobile vehicle controller to a PC via its LPT, this PC was a node of a LAN with other PCs, a...