World politics, Crime, Romance, Adult Content, Murder and Mystery...Novel made for movie, Science...This book is a modern action romance novel about the street ways hero killing the villain- getting the girl and the money.(Clint-Love)
World politics, Crime, Romance, Adult Content, Murder and Mystery...Novel made for movie, Science...This book is a modern action romance novel about t...
Clint-Love, Blogs, Books within Book... By the Author A.C.S. Contents contains Love stories, Romance... Horror, Crime Mystery... Ideas for the script writer, film- stage... Song writer... This is the book for a reader or writer
Clint-Love, Blogs, Books within Book... By the Author A.C.S. Contents contains Love stories, Romance... Horror, Crime Mystery... Ideas for the script ...
Clint-Love Lyric Catalog (Songs you can build off) By Clint-Love Gangster Rapper Clint-Love Biography...never recorded before songs writers can build off...Lyric catalog covering music categories: Rap, R&B& Rap and contact info to own original songs. (Please note in this book, Clint-Love pictures-and Music categories Classic Rock, Gospel, R&B plus bonus songs has been removed to make the 6X9 740 page count...The book was original an 8X10
Clint-Love Lyric Catalog (Songs you can build off) By Clint-Love Gangster Rapper Clint-Love Biography...never recorded before songs writers can build ...
Standing up to wicked ByAlbert Clint Simms A tale of stardom and faith...Standing up to wicked is a movie script in book form. The first of it's kind...Staring Clint-Love and Michael Jackson. (Action- Romance and Destiny)
Standing up to wicked ByAlbert Clint Simms A tale of stardom and faith...Standing up to wicked is a movie script in book form. The first of it's kind...