In the years following the destructive Long Winter, when half the world's population perished, the State remains locked in battle against the Sensitives: humans born with extra abilities. As one of the last descendants of the State's Founders, seventeen-year-old Lark Greene knows her place: study hard and be a model citizen so she can follow in her family's footsteps. Her life's been set since birth, and she's looking forward to graduating and settling down with Beck, the boy she's loved longer than she can remember. However, after Beck is accused of being Sensitive and organizing an attack...
In the years following the destructive Long Winter, when half the world's population perished, the State remains locked in battle against the Sensitiv...
Life hasn't been easy for twenty-three year old Ellie Jacobs since her boyfriend, Fletch, walked out of her life two years earlier. She's stuck in a consulting job she hates, buried under crushing student loans, and still longing for Fletch despite her best efforts to leave the past behind. Letting go is hard when everywhere she turns, there's a reminder of Fletch - from his face on gossip magazines to everyone being obsessed with his company, GroundFloor. So when Ellie finds herself at a mutual friend's wedding with Fletch, she decides to grin and bear it for the sake of the bride and groom....
Life hasn't been easy for twenty-three year old Ellie Jacobs since her boyfriend, Fletch, walked out of her life two years earlier. She's stuck in a c...