The objective of this book is the investigation of the activation of the deep cervical extensor semispinalis cervicis. Together with the deep flexor muscles the deep cervical extensors participate essentially in motor control and stabilization of the cervical spine. Apart from one study showing reduced activity of the deep cervical extensors in patients with neck pain data of activation of the deep cervical extensors are lacking. The first study showed a lower recruitment threshold and a higher number of active motor units in healthy subjects at the spinal level C5 compared to C2 reflecting a...
The objective of this book is the investigation of the activation of the deep cervical extensor semispinalis cervicis. Together with the deep flexor m...
Orthopedic Manual Therapy presents a systematic, step-by-step guide to manual therapy for disorders of the extremities and spine. Readers will find detailed examination and treatment techniques, the newest scientific and clinical advances, and updates on pain physiology, biomechanics, neurodynamics, and the biopsychosocial model of disease as the foundation for manual therapy.
Special Features
Describes every procedure in well structured, logical sequences of assessment, classification, and intervention, including core...
Orthopedic Manual Therapy presents a systematic, step-by-step guide to manual therapy for disorders of the extremities and spi...