"Pieces of Eight" is the true story of a father who becomes a Boy Scout leader for his son's troop, after the former leader gets called away to Iraq. It details eight years of the trips, the people, and the time spent traveling with his son, on his journey to the highest Scouting rank, Eagle Scout.
"Pieces of Eight" is the true story of a father who becomes a Boy Scout leader for his son's troop, after the former leader gets called away to Iraq. ...
There are no space aliens, sea serpents, or ship wrecks in this book, but it does answer the question "What should you do after ending a relationship?" How about finding yourself a little time and space to think? That's exactly what the author did in the late 1980s in this true story of how one man's journey around the entire United States led him right back home
There are no space aliens, sea serpents, or ship wrecks in this book, but it does answer the question "What should you do after ending a relationship?...