Yin and yang are used to represent two opposing concepts on the one hand, and they are also used to stand for a harmony between two opposing elements on the other. All phenomena and objects in the universe can be classified into yin and yang. Five elements refer to wood (mu), fire (huo), earth (tu), metal (jin), and water (shui) which had been used by the ancient Chinese to explain away natural phenomena and their connections with each other. Energy, blood, body fluids are the material bases of the human body, they are the foundations underlying the activities of internal organs, meridians,...
Yin and yang are used to represent two opposing concepts on the one hand, and they are also used to stand for a harmony between two opposing elements ...
It is common knowledge that a doctor needs to open a clinic in order to practice traditional Chinese medicine, and a clinic needs to have a herbal dispensary with herbal formulas for the patients. But what herbal formulas should be made available in the clinic? Even though it is necessary to have herbal formulas in the herbal dispensary of a clinic, there are so many herbal formulas available, but a clinic can only have a limited number of formulas in the dispensary. Part 1 of this book presents 110 prestigious herbal formulas with detailed descriptions of each formula, including ingredients,...
It is common knowledge that a doctor needs to open a clinic in order to practice traditional Chinese medicine, and a clinic needs to have a herbal dis...
Food cures are to cure diseases by foods, and it is the basic intent of this entire book to show you how this can be done, but a number of general principles may be discussed here. First of all, there are prima facie applications of food cures which means that sometimes you can readily apply a given food cures menu, because the relevance of that menu to the disease under treatment is self evident. For example, if you have high blood pressure, it is self evident that you should be on the blood pressure reducing menu; if you have high blood sugar, it is equally self evident that you should be...
Food cures are to cure diseases by foods, and it is the basic intent of this entire book to show you how this can be done, but a number of general pri...
The position of Yellow Emperor's Classics in Chinese medicine may be compared to that of Plato's Republic in Western philosophy and that of Shakespeare in English literature, for the good reason that the classic in question had, since its first publication, become the most authoritative guidance for the practice of Chinese medicine. It had become the foundations of Chinese medicine in the same way as the thought of Confucius had become the foundations of Chinese philosophy. Very few, if any, Chinese physicians of traditional Chinese medicine would challenge the basic contents of this...
The position of Yellow Emperor's Classics in Chinese medicine may be compared to that of Plato's Republic in Western philosophy and that of Shakespear...
Chinese acupuncture consists of many branches, including body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, face acupuncture pricking therapy, and skin scraping therapy, etc. Each branch of acupuncture consists of many different techniques which are fully illustrated in this text to facilitate applications. The illustrations should prove helpful to acupuncturists who want to master the techniques in their clinical practice.
Chinese acupuncture consists of many branches, including body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, face acupuncture pricking therapy...
Who discovered Chinese herbs? Chinese legend had it that many millenniums before Christ, there lived five great emperors in China, the Emperor of Fire who had invented fire for heating and cooking, the Emperor of Fishing and Hunting who had taught the Chinese people how to fish and hunt and to raise livestock, the Emperor of Nine Needles who had invented nine kinds of needles for use in acupuncture, the Emperor of Cookery who had taught the Chinese people how to cook foods and prepare meals, and the Emperor of Agriculture who had taught them how to cultivate land and raise crops. It was the...
Who discovered Chinese herbs? Chinese legend had it that many millenniums before Christ, there lived five great emperors in China, the Emperor of Fire...