In Tears of Pain: My Life with Autism, Marc Rivera welcomes you to his world of autism and chronicles his daily struggle to fit in to a world so unlike his own. The objective is to help people understand how much individuals in the Autism Spectrum need to be accepted as they are by society. Based on his journal, Marc recounts many of the personal challenges he faced: bullying and ridicule from his peers, poor communication with teachers, trying to make sense of "The Rules" both at school and as a whole - to name a few. In this alien world, Marc felt safe only in his own home. It was there...
In Tears of Pain: My Life with Autism, Marc Rivera welcomes you to his world of autism and chronicles his daily struggle to fit in to a world so unlik...
Lagrimas De Dolor: Mi Vida Con Autismo es un llamado a la sociedad para entrar en el mundo de autismo. Nuestra esperanza es que los lectores adquieran una mejor comprension de las personas que se encuentran dentro del espectro del autismo. Estas personas especiales, tan similares pero a la vez tan diferentes a ti y a mi, sufren tormento y malos entendidos solo porque sus cerebros estan disenados de forma diferente."
Lagrimas De Dolor: Mi Vida Con Autismo es un llamado a la sociedad para entrar en el mundo de autismo. Nuestra esperanza es que los lectores adquieran...