For advanced web search engines to be able not only to search for semantically related information dispersed over different web pages, but also for semantic services providing certain functionalities, discovering semantic services is the key issue. Addressing four problems of current solution, this book presents the following contributions. A novel service model independent of semantic service description models is proposed, which clearly defines all elements necessary for service discovery and selection. It takes service selection as its gist and improves efficiency. Corresponding selection...
For advanced web search engines to be able not only to search for semantically related information dispersed over different web pages, but also for se...
Kyandoghere Kyamakya Wolfgang a. Halang Wolfgang Mathis
This book contains a collection of recent advanced contributions in the field of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization, including selected applications in the area of theoretical electrical engineering. The second part handles dynamic systems modelling and simulation with special applications to real physical systems and phenomena.
This book contains a collection of recent advanced contributions in the field of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization, including selected applicatio...
Mit seinem Workshop 2016 zum Thema "Internet der Dinge" bietet der GI/GMA/ITG-Fachausschuss Echtzeitsysteme Wissenschaftlern, Nutzern und Herstellern ein Forum an, auf dem neue Trends und Entwicklungen zu folgenden Programmschwerpunkten vorgestellt werden: Echtzeitfahigkeit, Funktionale Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, Sichere Datenkommunikation, Schnittstellen, Protokolle und Plattformen, Energieeffizienz, Diensteabrechung- und Bezahlung, Erweiterte Realitat (Augmented Reality), Altersgerechte Assistenzsysteme fur selbstbestimmtes Lebenuns Ambient Assited Living. Berichte zu...
Mit seinem Workshop 2016 zum Thema "Internet der Dinge" bietet der GI/GMA/ITG-Fachausschuss Echtzeitsysteme Wissenschaftlern, Nutzern und Herstelle...