...a wife discovers her spouse does not always cry wolf, a son finds his father's seemingly odd behavior is anything but, a raging sea delivers a young woman's fantasy lover, an inexplicable event disrupts life on the planet, a long-perished civil rights activist saves a young man from humiliation, and visitors from another world wreak havoc by curing all earthly ills. These and other stories in EVERYTHING IS EPIC continue the unique themes Michael C. Keith has established in previous books of acclaimed fiction.
"From the relentlessly restless imagination of Michael C. Keith...
...a wife discovers her spouse does not always cry wolf, a son finds his father's seemingly odd behavior is anything but, a raging sea delivers a y...
A short story collection from Michael C. Keith, master of the near normal and bizarre. Michael C. Keith's ferocious imagination has been in overdrive, as usual, and the result is his latest book, The Collector of Tears. Each story is like being the passenger in a speeding car driven by a brilliant mad man; an elegant ride, but you don't know where he's taking you Boston Literary Magazine About the Author: Michael C. Keith is the author of more than 20 books on electronic media, among them Talking Radio, Voices in the Purple Haze, Radio Cultures, Signals in the Air, and the...
A short story collection from Michael C. Keith, master of the near normal and bizarre. Michael C. Keith's ferocious imagination has been in overd...
Things don't often go as the reader expects in Michael C. Keith's collection If Things Were Made to Last Forever. The death of a child becomes the occasion for purchasing lavish gifts and a dinner from McDonald's devolves into a national scandal. Even an honest attempt to rescue baby birds from a barren nest becomes an exercise in cruelty. Keith delights in putting his characters in unlikely situations and then watching them react in unexpected ways. Whether he is telling the story of the stray dogs who were killed to make way for the Sochi Olympics or introducing us to a boy who obsessively...
Things don't often go as the reader expects in Michael C. Keith's collection If Things Were Made to Last Forever. The death of a child becomes the occ...