One of the most well-known books of American history and politics, Democracy In America's first volume is a powerful and accurate look at the political system in the United States.
One of the most well-known books of American history and politics, Democracy In America's first volume is a powerful and accurate look at the politica...
The second part of Tocqueville's work remains just as important and enthralling as the first: as one of the most important books ever written about the political systems in the United States, it is well worth taking the time to read.
The second part of Tocqueville's work remains just as important and enthralling as the first: as one of the most important books ever written about th...
"Qu'on le relise: on y rencontrera a chaque page un avertissement solennel qui rappelle aux hommes que la societe change de formes, l'humanite de condition, et que de nouvelles destinees s'approchent."
"Qu'on le relise: on y rencontrera a chaque page un avertissement solennel qui rappelle aux hommes que la societe change de formes, l'humanite de cond...
In Democracy in America, Tocqueville examines the democratic revolution that he believed had been occurring over the past seven hundred years. Tocqueville begins his book by describing the change in social conditions taking place. The aristocracy, Tocqueville believed, was gradually disappearing as the modern world experienced the beneficial effects of equality. Tocqueville traced the development of equality to a number of factors, such as granting all men permission to enter the clergy, widespread economic opportunity resulting from the growth of trade and commerce. This Classic Timeless...
In Democracy in America, Tocqueville examines the democratic revolution that he believed had been occurring over the past seven hundred years. Tocquev...