How do you feel about Change? Is Change the lover you relate to intimately and trust with your very life? A friend youre happy to see now and then but from whom you sometimes need time apart? Or an enemy you fear and keep at a distance? Such heart-wrenching and soul-probing questions bring reader and author alike to a place of enlightenment, deepened relationships, and . . . change. But it can be a long journey from there to here.
Hate change.
Embrace chaos.
Love hate.
Fulfill pleasure.
And if possible, cultivate envy until it breaks through the walls of your desperately desirous...
How do you feel about Change? Is Change the lover you relate to intimately and trust with your very life? A friend youre happy to see now and then but...
As a complement to my book Who Cares What You Think...So What You Think?, No Longer Hidden is an account of my journey through life, captured in metaphorical images and lyrical format. Poetry permits a person to see through a kaleidoscopic lens as the sequence of life events presents challenges that would be unbearable if not written in a melodic form. Where the book serves as a cutting board for me, a space for dissecting my innermost feelings, it is also an entree served to the reader, since one may be able to absorb secret truths as he or she ingests each piece of poetry.
As a complement to my book Who Cares What You Think...So What You Think?, No Longer Hidden is an account of my journey through life, captured in metap...