Alrossul Shiro is an adventurous young teen who stands up to the oppression bestowed by the Tsuki-Numbers of the dominant Raitsuki Kingdom who are the current rulers of the "Avakage Universe" also known as the "Avakage Pangea World." Alrossul only seeks freedom, prosperity, and peace for himself and those around him. One day an elderly villager is being questioned by an evil Tsuki-Number, also known as a "TK," Alrossul sees this and knocks the TK out cold. Little does he know that that one kick begins the rest of his life. That one kick led to an attack of the TK's which led to the awakening...
Alrossul Shiro is an adventurous young teen who stands up to the oppression bestowed by the Tsuki-Numbers of the dominant Raitsuki Kingdom who are the...