Francisco Gonzalez-Gomez Miguel A. Garcia-Rubio Jorge Guardiola
Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices in all sectors. Large amounts of water have been used for agricultural purposes at very low prices for too long; there is an uncontrolled use of most aquifers in rural areas which result from ineffective control by the public administration; per capita consumption continues increasing as well as water used for industrial and energy generation, the construction and tourism sectors and for recreation activities. In fact, they have all exerted additional...
Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices in all ...
Francisco Gonzalez-Gomez Miguel A. Garcia-Rubio Jorge Guardiola
Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices in all sectors. Large amounts of water have been used for agricultural purposes at very low prices for too long; there is an uncontrolled use of most aquifers in rural areas which result from ineffective control by the public administration; per capita consumption continues increasing as well as water used for industrial and energy generation, the construction and tourism sectors and for recreation activities. In fact, they have all exerted...
Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices in a...