In 2033's tarnished America, an ambitious, unnamed filmmaker, employed by an educational production company called Formative Experience Films, has earned his first directorial gig. The assignment: travel back in time 40 years to Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1993, to shoot a documentary concerning the acclaimed fiction writer Joel Duvell's own first job as a platoon leader in the United States Army. Over a six-week production, as the film crew documents the young officer's life, we witness an artist in gestation, struggling with the consequences of his own choices, and painstakingly acquiring the...
In 2033's tarnished America, an ambitious, unnamed filmmaker, employed by an educational production company called Formative Experience Films, has ear...
In A FEW WORDS BEFORE YOU GO, writer Jude Joseph Lovell turns his gaze towards three subjects of great importance in his life: books, music, and family. Collecting published and unpublished essays from the last fifteen years, this volume offers Lovell's unique perspective on artists as diverse as Flannery O'Connor, Philip K. Dick, Ron Hansen, Charles Dickens, Bruce Springsteen, Tori Amos, U2, and numerous others. It also contains heartfelt tributes to the colorful individuals who helped raise him and influence him today. Each essay is informed in some way by the author's Catholic faith,...
In A FEW WORDS BEFORE YOU GO, writer Jude Joseph Lovell turns his gaze towards three subjects of great importance in his life: books, music, and famil...