The recentexplosionofactivity inneural modelingseemsto have beendriven more by advances inthe theories and applicationsoflearning paradigms for artificial neural networks than by advances in our knowledge of real nervous systems. In the past few years, major conferences on neural networks and neural modeling have emerged and, appropriately, have focussed on technological exploitation of these advances. Sensingthat the recentleaps in both computational powerand knowledge ofthe nervous system may have setthe stage for a revolution intheoretical neurobiology, neuroscientists have welcomed thenew...
The recentexplosionofactivity inneural modelingseemsto have beendriven more by advances inthe theories and applicationsoflearning paradigms for artifi...
Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems contains the collected papers of the 1993 Conference on Computation and Neural Systems which was held between July 31--August 7, in Washington, DC. These papers represent a cross-section of the state-of-the-art research work in the field of computational neuroscience, and includes coverage of analysis and modeling work as well as results of new biological experimentation.
Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems contains the collected papers of the 1993 Conference on Computation and Neural Systems which was he...
In recent years there has been tremendous activity in computational neuroscience resulting from two parallel developments. On the one hand, our knowledge of real nervous systems has increased dramatically over the years; on the other, there is now enough computing power available to perform realistic simulations of actual neural circuits. This is leading to a revolution in quantitative neuroscience, which is attracting a growing number of scientists from non-biological disciplines. These scientists bring with them expertise in signal processing, information theory, and dynamical systems...
In recent years there has been tremendous activity in computational neuroscience resulting from two parallel developments. On the one hand, our knowle...