During the last decade, CMOS has become increasingly attractive as a basic integrated circuit technology due to its low power (at moderate frequencies), good scalability, and rail-to-rail operation. There are now a variety of CMOS circuit styles, some based on static complementary con- ductance properties, but others borrowing from earlier NMOS techniques and the advantages of using clocking disciplines for precharge-evaluate se- quencing. In this comprehensive book, the reader is led systematically through the entire range of CMOS circuit design. Starting with the in- dividual MOSFET, basic...
During the last decade, CMOS has become increasingly attractive as a basic integrated circuit technology due to its low power (at moderate frequencies...
This is an up-to-date treatment of the analysis and design of CMOS integrated digital logic circuits. The self-contained book covers all of the important digital circuit design styles found in modern CMOS chips, emphasizing solving design problems using the various logic styles available in CMOS.
This is an up-to-date treatment of the analysis and design of CMOS integrated digital logic circuits. The self-contained book covers all of the imp...