This is the third Proceedings book to arise from biennial conferen ces on the Trace Amines. Since our first meeting in 1983 in Edmonton, Canada, progress has been brisk and, as will be seen from the ensuing pages, it is now possible to include major contributions from inverte brate neurobiologists as well as receptorologists. In the opening ses sion we heard about the distribution of the trace amines-now clear ly a misnomer-in insects and the pharmacological, receptor, and syn aptic characteristics of octopamine and tryptamine as well as the pos sibility of monoamines in general being targets...
This is the third Proceedings book to arise from biennial conferen ces on the Trace Amines. Since our first meeting in 1983 in Edmonton, Canada, progr...
A probable neurobiological role for the trace amines began to emerge as soon as techniques sufficiently sophisticated to detect them were developed. Techniques for quantitative analyses included radioenzymatic procedures and, more recently, HPlC-EC and auto mated GC-MS. The methods are applied after separation of the sub stances to be analyzed and after their purification by physicochemical procedures that are becoming more and more efficient. The identification and quantitative analysis of minute amounts of trace amines in biological fluids or tissues is in itself a remarkable technological...
A probable neurobiological role for the trace amines began to emerge as soon as techniques sufficiently sophisticated to detect them were developed. T...