In September, 1990, a group of 160 scientists from 19 countries and 21 of the United States met at the Red Lion Inn in Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, California. The purpose of this meeting was to share new information from recent research on the Aspartic Proteinases. This book is a compilation of the information transferred in that forum. The Aspartic Proteinases include all those enzymes from the "fourth" class of proteolytic enzymes, the first three being the Serine, Cysteine and Metalloproteinases. Of course, all the scientists in attendance at the Sonoma Aspartic Proteinase Conference...
In September, 1990, a group of 160 scientists from 19 countries and 21 of the United States met at the Red Lion Inn in Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, Ca...