10.------------------------, 10.------------------------. N:: IE w '" "'0.1 0 M z SIDE VIEW PLAN VIEW 0.01 LI --'---'---LLL-'---LLLlI -L---"---LLL..ll..L.LJ'-': ';;' 0.01 1 100 10 100 fr Fig. 1. The behavior of the magnetic and electric fields from a vertical magnetic dipole source at the surface of the earth (after Wait 1951,1955]). earth, the experimental curve so plotted should have the same shape as a portion of the ap propriate theoretical curve, but with the ordinates and abscissas shifted by an amount dependent on the resistivity. The conductivity can be determined from the amount of...
10.------------------------, 10.------------------------. N:: IE w '" "'0.1 0 M z SIDE VIEW PLAN VIEW 0.01 LI --'---'---LLL-'---LLLlI -L---"---LLL..l...