Nutrients in Cancer Prevention and Treatment contains articles that were presented by leading researchers and physicians in the field of nutritional oncology. Most of the previous conference proceedings on Nutrition and Cancer have dealt primarily with the issue of the role of nutrients in cancer prevention. This is logical because enormous quantities of laboratory and epi demiologic data have been published on the topic. Nutrients in Cancer Prevention and Treatment also contains several studies on the role of diet and vitamins in cancer treat ment. There are very few books that have reviewed...
Nutrients in Cancer Prevention and Treatment contains articles that were presented by leading researchers and physicians in the field of nutritional o...
During the last 10 years, the role of specific nutrients in cancer prevention and cancer treatment has been the subject of intense basic, preclinical, and clinical research. At present, the major focus of nutri tional oncology is on the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and their modification by nutrients and on cancer prevention studies in animals and humans. Some human epidemiological studies have confirmed the hypothesis, developed on animals, that there is an inverse relation ship between the intake and/or level of 3-carotene, vitamin A vita min E, or vitamin C and the risk of cancer, whereas...
During the last 10 years, the role of specific nutrients in cancer prevention and cancer treatment has been the subject of intense basic, preclinical,...