Glycoimmunology, the studyofthe oligosaccharide components ofglycoconjugates as an integral component ofthe immune system, has opened up a rapidly evolving field. It draws from a broad spectrum of technologies, ranging from classical synthetic organic chemistry, to molecular biology and beyond. The structural microheterogenity ofoligosac- charides found on glycoproteins and glycolipids is immense and reflects the enormous inherent structural diversity of these carbohydrate side chains and their ability to encode information. In this respect glycoimmunology represents an exciting and...
Glycoimmunology, the studyofthe oligosaccharide components ofglycoconjugates as an integral component ofthe immune system, has opened up a rapidly evo...
The Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meetings have charted the rapid devel- opment of glycobiology within the field of inflammation. In less than a decade, the science has grown from basically being involved in carbohydrate analysis to the understanding of how sugars are associated with inflammation and how they have potential as anti- inflammatory therapeutics. The 4th Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meeting was re- cently held in Loutraki, Greece, and set the scene for what promises to be an exciting future for the speciality. Discussion reflected the rapid advances glycobiology is...
The Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meetings have charted the rapid devel- opment of glycobiology within the field of inflammation. In less than ...
Lyme Borreliosis is a worldwide infectious disease causing a multisystem illness with considerable morbidity, particularly in North America and Europe. The causative agent is the spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi, which is usually transmitted by the ixodid tick from animal reservoirs. This book is formed by contributions from the Second European Symposium on Lyme Borreliosis, held at St George's Hospital Medical School, London in 1993, which reviewed the current state of knowledge of the condition with regard to clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, ecology, epidemiology, biology and...
Lyme Borreliosis is a worldwide infectious disease causing a multisystem illness with considerable morbidity, particularly in North America and Europe...