In the year 2162, a young boy named Jal Valhyn is caught in a maelstrom of violence and conflict. His country is at war and the world government based on humanistic principles that had fulfilled its promise of a halcyon peace for over a century has fallen. Alone and helpless, he has an encounter with an invisible being that leads to a seven-day journey. With his two appointed companions he sets out for a safe haven far from the world of danger and turmoil. Each day's trek brings the gift of new friendships and a growing awareness that life has dimensions grounded in more than the material. He...
In the year 2162, a young boy named Jal Valhyn is caught in a maelstrom of violence and conflict. His country is at war and the world government based...
On the planet Lydo, a nineteen-year-old research student at the Academy named Brad enters the Netherworld to research its little-known inhabitants. The caveat: he will lose his memory and his form.
Waking up in the town of Nofer in Daganland, Brad enters into a world ruled by a Tyrant.It is a planet of darkness where the inhabitants live and work by night. Socialization and friendships are forbidden except in the formal setting of work related activities. Brad becomes an elite student, assigned to head Daganland's Intake Department. He must observe the habits and behaviors of humans...
On the planet Lydo, a nineteen-year-old research student at the Academy named Brad enters the Netherworld to research its little-known inhabitants....