Hachi Maru Hachi is a manga and short story anthology filled with works created by the art group Hachi Maru Hachi. This issue features three original manga stories: Eternal Blade by Tara Tamayori, Sleep by Brady Evans, and When the Music Stops by Rose Dela Cruz and Jordan Takemoto.
Hachi Maru Hachi is a manga and short story anthology filled with works created by the art group Hachi Maru Hachi. This issue features three original ...
Hachi Maru Hachi's biggest issue is here In this issue, three new artists bring three original manga to this exciting third issue When Will finds out that he can save the lives of future murder victims by slaying their killers beforehand, he must decide whether he is willing to become a murderer to save them in Kaci Horimoto's thriller Death in Numbers. After losing her memories in a fall, what June begins to remember warns her of a looming threat. But will she remember in time? Find out in Caitlin Slattery's Refraction. When a young artist receives an acceptance letter to a prestegious...
Hachi Maru Hachi's biggest issue is here In this issue, three new artists bring three original manga to this exciting third issue When Will finds ou...