"EXODUS or The Mystery of Seth's League" is a historic-fiction, detective thriller. The story is a combination of the spiritual world that is filled with paranormal phenomenon's, ancient Egypt's mysticism, dramatic events from the archaic past, as described in the Bible, and also the mysteries and secrets that make even the best minds of modern science confounded.
"EXODUS or The Mystery of Seth's League" is a historic-fiction, detective thriller. The story is a combination of the spiritual world that is filled w...
Skupina mladych lidi, ktera se dostala na festival hnuti New Age," konajici se na okraji Odesy, zasla do podivneho stanu, kde se s Cilou Akkerfeld, zackou zaverecneho rocniku stredni skoly, deji veci, ktere zasadne zmeni chod celeho jejiho zivota. Tam se pratele tvari v tvar setkavaji s velmi podivnou zenou, ktera byla nepochybne carodejnice a Cila potkava toho jedineho, o kterem dokonce ani nesnila ve svych divcich snech. V tu dobu pritelkyne hrdinky knihy, Jelena Beruf, zijici v Praze zacala pracovat v kancelari velmi uspesne financni korporace. Od prvniho pracovniho dne ji neustale...
Skupina mladych lidi, ktera se dostala na festival hnuti New Age," konajici se na okraji Odesy, zasla do podivneho stanu, kde se s Cilou Akkerfeld, za...
Roman "Exodus ili tajna Sojuza Seta" vozvraschaet nas v te dalekie vremena, kogda velikiy prorok Evreyskogo naroda Moisey prishel v Egipet dlya togo, chtoby osvobodit' Izrail' iz mnogovekovogo rabstva. Po kakoy prichine, ne smotrya na strashnye kazni, postigshie Egipetskuyu zemlyu, faraon otkazyvaetsya ustupit' Moiseyu i otpustit' Evreyskiy narod iz rabstva? Kto i kak, na samom dele, pravit Egiptom i podchinyaet svoey vole vsesil'nogo faraona? Kakimi znaniyami, nedostupnymi dlya segodnyashnego pokoleniya, vladeli i pol'zovalis' Egipetskie zhrezy? Parallel'no s sobytiyami drevnosti, syuzhet...
Roman "Exodus ili tajna Sojuza Seta" vozvraschaet nas v te dalekie vremena, kogda velikiy prorok Evreyskogo naroda Moisey prishel v Egipet dlya togo, ...
A group of young friends enter a strange tent at a 'New Age' festival taking place at the edge of Odessa - an event that radically changes unsuspecting high school graduate, Cilla Ackerfeld's entire life. A very strange woman, most definitely a witch, surveys the friends and guides Cilla to meet the one and only, the one whom Cilla could not have dreamed of even in her most fantastic of dreams. Simultaneously, in Prague, Elena Beruff gains employment at a successful financial corporation. From the very first day, Elena gets the feeling that everything happening to her goes beyond the frames...
A group of young friends enter a strange tent at a 'New Age' festival taking place at the edge of Odessa - an event that radically changes unsuspectin...