The classic book written by the great CW Leadbeater, a 33rd degree master mason, nearly over 90 years ago has been remastered through this version of the book to include several masonic drawings, and rituals that was not included in the original. Also includes several charts and other information every man of the craft should know.- B. Bey
The classic book written by the great CW Leadbeater, a 33rd degree master mason, nearly over 90 years ago has been remastered through this version of ...
Charles Webster Leadbeater 16 February 1854 - 1 March 1934) was an influential member of the Theosophical Society, author on occult subjects and co-initiator with J. I. Wedgwood of the Liberal Catholic Church. Originally a priest of the Church of England, his interest in spiritualism caused him to end his affiliation with Anglicanism in favour of the Theosophical Society, where he became an associate of Annie Besant. He became a high-ranking officer of the society, but resigned in 1906 amid a scandal involving accusations of pederasty. After Annie Besant became President of the Society, he...
Charles Webster Leadbeater 16 February 1854 - 1 March 1934) was an influential member of the Theosophical Society, author on occult subjects and co-in...
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Bien des livres nous entretiennent de ce Royaume invisible qui interpenetre notre monde physique. L'auteur, grand clairvoyant, considere la partie inferieure de ce monde inconnu. Il en fait la description, puis parle de ses habitants, humains vivants et morts, non humains, artificiels. Puis il aborde les phenomenes supraphysiques dans ce grand classique de la litterature theosophique.
LE DECOR - Les sept subdivisions. - Degres de materialite. - Caracteres de la vision...
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Bien des livres nous entretiennent de ce Royaume invisib...
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Ce livre est la suite du Plan Astral, Royaume invisible qui interpenetre notre monde physique. L'auteur, grand clairvoyant, poursuit avec la meme simplicite a devoiler les plans de conscience superieurs et celestes. Il en fait la description, puis parle de ses habitants, humains, non humains, artificiels, Devas, anges, formes-pensees et bien davantage dans ce grand classique de la litterature theosophique.
CARACTERES GENERAUX - Une belle description. - La beatitude du monde...
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Ce livre est la suite du Plan Astral, Royaume invisible ...
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Cet ouvrage expose, avec exemples a l'appui, l'aide qui est apportee tant aux vivants qu'aux decedes, par des etres qui vivent sur d'autres plans, comme les anges, mais aussi par des humains pendant leur sommeil. Les morts veillent aussi sur ceux qu'ils ont aimes et les protegent. L'auteur, clairvoyant, relate un certain nombre de cas dont il a ete temoin dans ce grand classique de la litterature theosophique.
Faisant preuve d'une edition remarquable, Unicursal vous presente C.W. Leadbeater:
Cet ouvrage expose, avec exemples a l'appui, l'aide qui ...
Most works dealing with Mysticism and Occultism are characterized by the lack of a scientific presentation, such as is exacted in every department of science. They give us far more the significance of things, rather than descriptions of the things themselves. In this little book the author approaches the Invisible World from the modern standpoint of science.
Most works dealing with Mysticism and Occultism are characterized by the lack of a scientific presentation, such as is exacted in every department of ...