Jacques Baenigne Bossuet Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Christopher O. Blum
By reading and meditating briefly on just one of these reflections each day in Lent, Bishop Bossuet's eloquence will soon have you not merely remembering the events of Christ's journey to His Crucifixion; it will have you spiritually walking with Him on that journey . . . which is precisely what we are called to do in Lent
By reading and meditating briefly on just one of these reflections each day in Lent, Bishop Bossuet's eloquence will soon have you not merely remember...
St. Francis de Sales is widely regarded as one of the greatest spiritual advisors in the history of the Church, and we have drawn from his letters the wisest advice for those prepared to take the next step on their spiritual journey.
St. Francis de Sales is widely regarded as one of the greatest spiritual advisors in the history of the Church, and we have drawn from his letters the...