If you've been feeling tired, run down, achy, out of sync, or just plain "off," physically and emotionally, you may need to detox. "What does it mean to detox?" and "What's involved in detoxing?" you might ask. A detox is simply an intentioned effort to rid the body of anything that is bringing it down, or anything that may be present that is making it sick, lethargic, or just plain unwell. When we talk about detoxing, most people think about consuming special detox foods, like green juices, lemon water, and targeted cleansing foods. These methods for detox are certainly an important part of...
If you've been feeling tired, run down, achy, out of sync, or just plain "off," physically and emotionally, you may need to detox. "What does it mean ...
Toxins are found in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Our digestive system works to help eliminate toxins from the body, but if our digestion is impaired or sluggish, our toxic load can reach a level where we begin to develop symptoms of illness, such as headaches, joint pain and lack of energy, which can lead to more serious illnesses in the future. The health of our skin, hair, and nails is also affected. Eating a diet that's low in foods regarded to be the most toxic and inflammatory - sugar, soy, dairy, corn, gluten, and all processed foods - and high in fresh...
Toxins are found in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Our digestive system works to help eliminate toxins from the body, bu...