"Every housefly must find a home," proclaims Gideon, the hero of this modern day fable. Hatched in a toxic landfill and raised on a diet of composted vegetation and waste paper, Gideon grows into a well-read, well-fed fly with an idealistic worldview. Through his acquaintances with the other landfill residents, Gideon meets Pincer, an enigmatic cockroach with a cult-like hold over the inhabitants of the dump. Pincer knows of the dream home Gideon seeks, having spent time in the manor belonging to the corrupt proprietor of the landfill. Despite warnings from the cockroach, Gideon is determined...
"Every housefly must find a home," proclaims Gideon, the hero of this modern day fable. Hatched in a toxic landfill and raised on a diet of composted ...