Do you realize you have more influence that you think you do? Have you ever said "I'm not good enough"? If so, you risk snuffing out the flame of your influence with an inaccurate self-assessment. The truth is, you are good enough and you have tremendous influence. God created you as his beloved masterpiece, and He fully equipped you to impact your world and bring Him glory. Why not re-ignite the fire of your influence.? You can, with Fire Starters. This is not a book about self-esteem or living your dream or being extreme. It has simple truths about how God has positioned you for His...
Do you realize you have more influence that you think you do? Have you ever said "I'm not good enough"? If so, you risk snuffing out the flame of your...
If you need or want to become a better presenter, this book will help. Learn a step-by-step system that will demystify the process of creating a powerfully effective presentation, while becoming a great speaker. Learn to present like a pro, even if you are not. In this book you will learn how to plan your presentations, collect and organize the content, and add SPICE to make it memorable. Improve your vocabulary, discover tips for practicing (that don't include memorizing ), and learn advanced delivery techniques that even many seasoned pros don't use. Spotlight your message so it makes a...
If you need or want to become a better presenter, this book will help. Learn a step-by-step system that will demystify the process of creating a power...