This fictional thriller, the first in a series, reflects the eccentric problems of love, faith, and duty as experienced by a young mother trapped in a snake-handling cult, and the man, Matt Fagan, who is hired to find and rescue her from the clutches of a fanatical preacher claiming to be a living god. In his effort to snatch the young mother and her baby son from the cult and return them to the arms of a worried family, Matt uncovers a dark and frightening secret from his past.
This fictional thriller, the first in a series, reflects the eccentric problems of love, faith, and duty as experienced by a young mother trapped in a...
DAVID CADY was nominated for AUTHOR OF THE YEAR by Georgia Writers Association for his thriller THE HANDLER. Now enjoy, FATAL OPTION, the sequel to that page-turner, which picks up right where the first book ends and moves forward with the same fast-pace-action. The sequel begins when MATT FAGAN, who endangered his life while preventing the suicidal death of 300 cult members, believes that he has just killed his brother, EMMANUEL, the insane cult leader. However, Emmanuel is saved from a fiery death by his disciples. Once Emmanuel is nursed back to health, the vindictive leader begins his...
DAVID CADY was nominated for AUTHOR OF THE YEAR by Georgia Writers Association for his thriller THE HANDLER. Now enjoy, FATAL OPTION, the sequel to th...
Based on extensive interviews with mostly former cult members, this book chronicles the history of the Church of God of Union Assembly from its beginning around World War I up to recent times. Founded by a charismatic, unlettered leader, C.T. Pratt, the church eventually found its home base in Dalton, Georgia.
Based on extensive interviews with mostly former cult members, this book chronicles the history of the Church of God of Union Assembly from its beginn...