Rare are works that combine personal revelations with explanations of Islam in a manner to which Westerners can easily relate. The beauty of Nicholas' Account of the Hajj (italicise) is that an Australian farm boy with an education imbued in Christian principles, and a lifetime of exposure to religions and cultures in the Arab world and South and South-East Asia, can relate to and convey in a straightforward manner Islamic beliefs and practices that many may consider foreign. Nicholas has done a great service to those interested in religions and spirituality in his descriptions of the rites...
Rare are works that combine personal revelations with explanations of Islam in a manner to which Westerners can easily relate. The beauty of Nicholas'...
Rare are works that combine personal revelations with explanations of Islam in a manner to which Westerners can easily relate. The beauty of Nicholas' Account of the Hajj (italicise) is that an Australian farm boy with an education imbued in Christian principles, and a lifetime of exposure to religions and cultures in the Arab world and South and South-East Asia, can relate to and convey in a straightforward manner Islamic beliefs and practices that many may consider foreign. Nicholas has done a great service to those interested in religions and spirituality in his descriptions of the rites...
Rare are works that combine personal revelations with explanations of Islam in a manner to which Westerners can easily relate. The beauty of Nicholas'...
Not everyone can run a private detective agency with their spouse, but Daniel Atwell loves working for his wife Stephanie Hawthorne. Sure, they make a great team, but he'd go crazy if he didn't push her buttons occasionally. Perhaps that's why he agrees to meet with Andrea Swope, a selfish old girlfriend who wants help in curbing her husband's infidelity. After rejecting her business, the pair think they are done with Andrea until they learn about her murder that same day in a botched robbery, kicking off a city wide manhunt. Months later, the police are stumped and the grieving widower turns...
Not everyone can run a private detective agency with their spouse, but Daniel Atwell loves working for his wife Stephanie Hawthorne. Sure, they make a...