The Adventures of Tess" is a new magical children's book series for ages 2-6. Each book will address a specific issue your child may be having. Tess is a stuffed toy Chihuahua given to Jonah as a gift; but when alone with Jonah and other children, she comes to life as an iconic Super Hero who rescues Jonah from everday situations that cause him stress and anxiety. Every night, when Jonah's mind is racing and he has trouble falling asleep, "Super Tess" swoops in and whispers a story that calms his mind and eventually helps him fall asleep with a smile and overcome his fear. "The New Sister"...
The Adventures of Tess" is a new magical children's book series for ages 2-6. Each book will address a specific issue your child may be having. Tess i...
Pamela L. Grunstein Marc-Adrien Riviere Aileen E. Licub
The Adventures of Tess" is a new magical children's book series for ages 2-6. Each book will address a specific issue your child may be having. Tess is a stuffed toy Chihuahua given to Jonah as a gift; but when alone with Jonah and other children, she comes to life as an iconic Super Hero who rescues Jonah from everday situations that cause him stress and anxiety. Every night, when Jonah's mind is racing and he has trouble falling asleep, "Super Tess" swoops in and whispers a story that calms his mind and eventually helps him fall asleep with a smile and overcome his fear. "Swim Class" will...
The Adventures of Tess" is a new magical children's book series for ages 2-6. Each book will address a specific issue your child may be having. Tess i...