If you're a Sudoku fan you already know how to solve these puzzles. There's just one extra step to help or hinder you - 1 to 9 on either side of the heart, diamond, spade, or club. Heart - boxes 1 and 9 are common. Diamond - boxes 1 and 9 are common. Clubs - boxes 1, 8 and 9 are common.Spades - boxes 1 and 7 are common. There are four levels of difficulty with names derived from Poker hands. Sudoku Suits 'Dealer' Puzzles x 6 - the easiest Sudoku Suits 'Straight' Puzzles x 22 - harder Sudoku Suits 'Flush' Puzzles x 22 - even harder Sudoku Suits 'Full House' Puzzles x 22 - hardest
If you're a Sudoku fan you already know how to solve these puzzles. There's just one extra step to help or hinder you - 1 to 9 on either side of the h...