Michele M. Spencer Ashlee Nichols Editing &. Design Sand William
In 2006 Army officer Michele M. Spencer shifted from stateside "weekend warrior" and yoga teacher to full-time soldier in Baghdad's Green Zone. In her inspirational memoir she shares the spiritual principles and mind-body practices that guided her through the combat stressors of war abroad and have given her the courage to lead a life of service as an agent of change at home. The acronym B.A.G.H.D.A.D. describes not an actual place but an empowering transformative journey to heal: Believe, Blessings, Balance Agent of Change, Awesome, Attitude Gratitude, Grace . . . it's ALL God Heal your...
In 2006 Army officer Michele M. Spencer shifted from stateside "weekend warrior" and yoga teacher to full-time soldier in Baghdad's Green Zone. In her...