El Abyecto es un ser intrigante y detestable. Es un inmigrante salvadoreno. Lleva una vida cargada de estres y odio. Para muchos es un hijo de puta de lo peor; para otros, simplemente es un ser incomprendido, alguien que necesita atencion. Pero, A que se debe su asquerosa conducta? Que cosa lo hace odiar a la gente, a las mujeres, a los ninos? Odiara por el simple placer de hacerlo o hay algo oculto en su ser que lo empuja a ser repugnante? Que hay detras de su torcido comportamiento? Averigualo leyendo El Abyecto. El tema central de la novela es fuerte. Se requiere de una mente abierta para...
El Abyecto es un ser intrigante y detestable. Es un inmigrante salvadoreno. Lleva una vida cargada de estres y odio. Para muchos es un hijo de puta de...
"Love is metaphysical energy that makes possible and real an understanding of life. Therefore, despite the fact that I often deny or avoid falling in love, I believe in love. I fear love, but that's a whole other can of worms. I think love is capable of not only producing physical and psychological satisfaction, like you pointed out, but it also charges all our actions with a sense of purpose, of meaning, of transcendental values beyond our poor terrestrial comprehension. It depends less on our own interpretations. Love is more than that. It's not a simple chemical mixture of psychologically...
"Love is metaphysical energy that makes possible and real an understanding of life. Therefore, despite the fact that I often deny or avoid falling in ...
The book contains a dialogue between a neophyte and a Theologian. They spend a night talking about sin, deconstructing it and analyzing it from a historical and philosophical point of view, from its origins till the story of Jonah and the fish.
The book contains a dialogue between a neophyte and a Theologian. They spend a night talking about sin, deconstructing it and analyzing it from a hist...