When Diana, Brenda, and Marie Terre found each other they never imagined how their stories would intertwine, and how much they would come to mean for each other. This is a story about friendship at its best, and three ladies who never stopped believing they could change their destiny. From their youth at the start of their careers, through the pinnacle of their personal and professional lives, and to the reality of their maturity, the story spans through the decades. Margaret Thatcher's England, the laid-back nineties in the Caribbean, the start of a new century in New York, are some of the...
When Diana, Brenda, and Marie Terre found each other they never imagined how their stories would intertwine, and how much they would come to mean for ...
Sientes, que ciertos dias tus emociones te cargan y dices o haces cosas que no son parte de tu comportamiento tipico o que no te definen? Deseas conversar con tu pareja y no estas seguro(a) de como hacerlo porque deseas evitar malos entendidos? Te sientes frustrado(a) de conversar continuamente con tus hijos, sin los resultados deseados? Buenos Dias, Inteligencia Emocional es una guia para navegar el complejo y misterioso mundo de nuestras emociones. La Dra. Emilia Concepcion se acerca a nosotros desde su escritorio de Coach empresarial, para hablarnos sobre las emociones en un plano mas...
Sientes, que ciertos dias tus emociones te cargan y dices o haces cosas que no son parte de tu comportamiento tipico o que no te definen? Deseas conve...
In 2014, Fernando Fernandez, P.I. found out some rather inconvenient information about his father-in-law's murder. As his 10 years of wedded bliss largely relied on his leaving this matter alone, this put him in a difficult situation. At the time, Fernandez was a respected and sought after investigator who had dealt with every type of case imaginable. His big break started came 2008, when he defied his world-famous mentor and surprisingly received a flood of international work as a result. Then his caseload turned upside down: - A drug lackey dying in a hospital and the family that required...
In 2014, Fernando Fernandez, P.I. found out some rather inconvenient information about his father-in-law's murder. As his 10 years of wedded bliss lar...
Todos hemos vivido una vida llena de tradiciones y costumbres, pero pocos nos preguntamos el por que de estas tradiciones que arrastramos, o como nos afectan en nuestra vida diaria. Esto incluye lo que comemos. Saboreando Salud es un relato de mis vivencias personales, donde descubro mis verdaderas raices, y los sabores y recetas que relaciono con ellas. Tambien es una guia para usar las raices que nos regala la naturaleza en recetas faciles de seguir, sabrosas y realmente saludables. Te invito a ser diferente. A buscar nuevos sabores entre tus costumbres. Aqui tienes una coleccion que va...
Todos hemos vivido una vida llena de tradiciones y costumbres, pero pocos nos preguntamos el por que de estas tradiciones que arrastramos, o como nos ...