This Young Adult novel combines detective and urban fantasy genres into a story about an atypical homeshcooler named Regie Ralston. Except for the fact he's an avid writer, he does not fit the homeschoolers mold, if there is one. The main character in Regie's newest detective novel is Phillip Marrow, Jr, and though unintentional, this story about a boy detective has become a tale that includes werewolves and vampires. But what is even worse, in Regie's mind, is the fact that his personal life is mimicking his fiction-in the worst possible way. Excerpt: It was the girl from across the street....
This Young Adult novel combines detective and urban fantasy genres into a story about an atypical homeshcooler named Regie Ralston. Except for the fac...
Country Cousin In The Dark Woods is the story of thirteen-year-old Jenny Miller who takes action against her parents' wishes and begins a horse logging operation in order to make enough money to save their farm. Excerpt: Jenny continued toward the barn. The screen door slammed again. "Jenny Miller " Their mother's voice rang across the farmyard. "What do you think you're doing?" Jenny spun around with a look of defiance none of them had seen before. "Dad can't even get out of bed I'm going to harness Ned and start logging." She looked from Jeff to Patrick. "Are you coming?" She headed for...
Country Cousin In The Dark Woods is the story of thirteen-year-old Jenny Miller who takes action against her parents' wishes and begins a horse loggin...
WEREWOLF-VAMPIRE-WITCH (a trilogy in one volume) One clue-waking up naked, especially with blood on his mouth. Girlfriend says she's a witch. Weird new dude likes her. Rivalry-Death by Seduction. Inter-species battles. Compelled cooperation. A nefarious villain pulls strings behind the scenes. Murder in a Salem mall-also lurks inside several Independence, Oregon houses. Will these misfits kill each other off, or join forces to attain victory?
WEREWOLF-VAMPIRE-WITCH (a trilogy in one volume) One clue-waking up naked, especially with blood on his mouth. Girlfriend says she's a witch. Weird ne...