A story that spans a century Starting with a young man in 1964 and weaving back through connections that reach to the Civil War Battle of the Wilderness in 1864, the story brings history alive. The young man overcomes the "fear by ignorance" to write poems with a widowed man living in what locally is believed to be a haunted cottage. Those same fears have to be overcome for the young man to reach out to a local Negro couple to check out an old legend his father had originally shared. The connections bring all four characters to an exciting common ground of caring. This is a story of...
A story that spans a century Starting with a young man in 1964 and weaving back through connections that reach to the Civil War Battle of the Wildern...
From the Ashes brings today face to face with May 16, 1891. Two hundred fifty buildings were burned, destroying Muskegon's entire Pine Street business district in less than six hours. That is historical fact. However, there happens that, by some reason, this particular house had a story that needed to be shared The house was in the direct path of the fire and could not have survived still, after one hundred ten years, its story comes forth. The lead investigator, Petronius Frisk, and a willing apprentice, Alex, weave good mystery-solving with personal relationships. The present day owner...
From the Ashes brings today face to face with May 16, 1891. Two hundred fifty buildings were burned, destroying Muskegon's entire Pine Street business...