When Seon (Zen) Buddhism was first introduced to Korea around Korea's late Silla and early Goryeo eras, the function of the beopdang (Dharma hall) was transfused to the lecture hall found in ancient Buddhist temples, establishing a pivotal area within the temple compound called the upper monastic area. By exploring the structural formation and dissolution of the upper monastic area, the author shows how Korea established its own distinctive Seon temples, unlike those of China and Japan, in the course of assimilating a newly-introduced foreign culture as its own. To accomplish this, the author...
When Seon (Zen) Buddhism was first introduced to Korea around Korea's late Silla and early Goryeo eras, the function of the beopdang (Dharma hall) was...
This book analyzes numerous excavated temple ruins and inscriptions recording the lives of eminent monks to show how Korea established its own distinctive Seon Bhuddist temples, and to illuminate the continuity between temples of the ancient and medieval eras.
This book analyzes numerous excavated temple ruins and inscriptions recording the lives of eminent monks to show how Korea established its own distinc...