The book, "My Ancestry: A Narrative of My Familial Ancestral Past Through Genetic DNA Examination," is a journey into the family history of Mr. Diambu Smith via genetic DNA lineage and admixture tests. The book details the DNA test results of eight family lineages of Mr. Smith and the general ethnic admixture of himself and his father, Mr. Morton Vogel Smith, Jr. The DNA test results are compared and contrasted with stories of Diambu's oral family history passed down from generation to generation. Have you ever wondered if there is a family history of yours to be discovered beyond old family...
The book, "My Ancestry: A Narrative of My Familial Ancestral Past Through Genetic DNA Examination," is a journey into the family history of Mr. Diambu...
Have you ever played basketball? Have you ever been a star of some sort? Maybe you would like to be a basketball player. You could be an All-Star, MVP, a Champion, or all of the above. You might possibly desire to be a basketball coach. The book, "Basketball Star: A Narrative," written by Diambu Smith, shares experiences of the author learning to play the game of basketball while participating in a summer camp dedicated to the sport. You will follow the journey of Mr. Smith from basketball novice to experienced player to all-star and champion to coach. Read about the subject's transformation...
Have you ever played basketball? Have you ever been a star of some sort? Maybe you would like to be a basketball player. You could be an All-Star, MVP...