Politicians and diplomats have for many years proclaimed a human right to water as a solution to the global water crisis, most recently in the 2010 UN General Assembly Resolution "The human right to water and sanitation".
Politicians and diplomats have for many years proclaimed a human right to water as a solution to the global water crisis, most recently in the 2010 UN...
This book follows the history of the international law of peace and armed conflict over the last 25 years. The articles analyze new developments concerning the prohibition of the use of force in international relations, self-determination of peoples, human rights and human security as well as international coordination of humanitarian assistance.
This book follows the history of the international law of peace and armed conflict over the last 25 years. The articles analyze new developments conce...
The respective parts reflect the five core modules of the International NOHA Joint Master's Programme "International Humanitarian Action": a) World Politics, b) International Law, c) Public Health, d) Anthropology, and e) Management.
The respective parts reflect the five core modules of the International NOHA Joint Master's Programme "International Humanitarian Action": a) World Po...