Greed, lust, power: the American dream. The story begins with recently promoted Kayla Rose, a young energetic New York City detective, trying to maintain the delicate balance between her work and personal life, secretly falling in love with her sweet, but rough-edged partner, Jamie Branson. A gruesome mass-murder leads them down a path of mystery and lies, amplified by her younger sister's premonitions, the grisly details unfolding in her nightmares. Soon, they find themselves involved with a curious old priest and his demon-hunting apprentice. As the story unfolds, the ambiguous web unravels...
Greed, lust, power: the American dream. The story begins with recently promoted Kayla Rose, a young energetic New York City detective, trying to maint...
1303. Feudal Japan. Smoke rises from the lush green valleys. Screams echo off the mountain walls. All across the countryside, children are disappearing, ripped from their homes, their villages left in ruin. Young Sheng and his best friends, Daisuke and Kimiko, fall victim to these attacks. In Kyoto, the imperial throne is highly contested between the Daikaku-ji and Jimyo-in families. However, the real power resides to the east where the shogunate rules from Kamakura. There lives an opportunistic samurai, Takeshi Hasegawa. His hand is firm, his jaw unflinching. His dream: to rule all of Japan...
1303. Feudal Japan. Smoke rises from the lush green valleys. Screams echo off the mountain walls. All across the countryside, children are disappearin...